Tomorrow is Luke's birthday. We had no idea what this year would bring. We had so many fears and concerns about Luke's health, abilities and happiness.
Well, as you already know, his health has been great - typical...ear infections, runny noses, coughs.
His far he's pretty much meeting all his milestones on time. He's pulling up and cruising. He's standing for a few seconds (few) unassisted. He is busy, busy, busy! It took me 5 minutes just to get his PJ's on tonight because I couldn't get him to stay still long enough to even get his diaper on!!! The only concerns we have at this point (which we wouldn't have if we didn't know about his PMG) is that he's really, really, really drooly and he is having a little trouble swallowing liquids from a sippy cup. Both of those things could indicate low tone in his jaws. He does have slightly low tone overall (low muscle strength). We're going to talk to his neurologist about those things and see if there's anything we need to start doing.
His happiness...I remember when we first found out about Luke's diagnosis one conversation that kept coming up between Dan and me was that we just wanted to know he was happy. We wanted to know he KNOWS who we are and who his brother is. He is so happy. He laughs and giggles and smiles. He adores his big brother (I'm sure someday that feeling will be mutual!! :) ) Just kidding - Ben loves Luke when Luke is far, far away from any toys!!! Luke knows who we are and smiles at us all the time.
Dan and I both know that his diagnosis hasn't changed. We know that we still face challenges ahead of us. But we are so happy with the way this year has gone and how great Luke is doing. We are thankful for all the help we have with Luke and for all the people who have come together to make this such a wonderful year. His OT and PT have been with him since he was TWO weeks old!! They've known him just about as long as we have!!! They are so knowledgeable and loving with him. We are so lucky to have them.
We have our neurologist and geneticist appointment tomorrow. Then we have his one year check up with the pediatrician on Friday. I'll update after all of that. Hopefully it will be a really short post!!
Thanks for all of your words of encouragement this past year. Thanks for checking up on Luke and our family. It means a lot to us to know we have so many people behind us!!!
Have a happy, happy Saint Patrick's Day...I know we will.
Love from Dan, Mel, Ben and ONE YEAR OLD Luke!!