Thursday, September 29, 2011


Just over three months after his first one - Luke's had his second seizure.  It sounds like it was pretty much identical to the first one but perhaps a little bit longer than the first one.  It happened at our daycare, Lakeside, this morning.  The kind of seizure he has had so far doesn't look like anything I've ever seen before.  I searched You Tube before and after Luke was born to make sure I was familiar with different kinds of seizures and I didn't see any like his. 

Anyway they called us before 911 because they weren't 100% sure what was going on.  When I spoke to Karrie (one of the teachers at his daycare),  it sounded exactly like what happened before.  Karrie did say that when she remembered to start timing it, it did go 5 minutes without him really 'coming to'.  Dan and I met the ambulance at Missouri Baptist.  Karrie rode with Luke.

So here is where we are at.  He's totally fine.  He is now taking levetiracetam (generic form of Keppra) to control (*STOP*) his seizures.  The side effects that our neuro mentioned is sleepiness and the big one is a behavior change/agitation among other things.  But it seems to have the least amount of side effects from the ones we have looked at.  Hopefully this will do the trick.  However it made him shudder and he spit it out.  Uh-oh.  This is a mean mom comment - but it was pretty funny!  Today.  Tomorrow when I'm desperately trying to make him swallow it, it's probably not going to be so funny to see the 'shudder/spit'. 

He also now has an epilepsy diagnosis.  Dr. Smyser said that once a person has 2 unprovoked seizures they are considered to have epilepsy.  Really, that changes nothing.   With the Polymicrogyria, we knew that was pretty much a given.  We also have the emergency drug, diastat, that we can give him if he is having a seizure lasting longer than 5 minutes. 

He also has his second ear infection within the past month...WITH TUBES.  Grrrr....but that's a whole other issue. 

Shortly after getting to the ER, he fell asleep for awhile.  When he came to, he was signing that he wanted a drink and saying 'outside' over and over.  It made us feel better to see him perk up so quickly.  He's been fine the rest of the day.  His balance seems slightly off, like last time, but  by this evevning it seemed much better.  He is sleeping right now and I'm so glad we decided on getting the video monitor.  That makes it much easier to put him to bed on a day like today. 

I'm really hoping we have NO new news for awhile.  We meet with the neurosurgeon in October but I'm really thinking it's just a precaution so hopefully there won't be a lot to report. 

We're thankful that our little guy is home and sleeping in his bed!  Take care!

1 comment:

  1. How's he swallowing the medicine? I know getting medicine into kids who don't understand the importance of it can be frustrating (to say the least). When Sammy was little getting her meds into her was an epic battle for Jackie and Joe. I hope it's going better with Luke.
