Friday, March 8, 2013


The IEP is over...sort of.  The team at Parkway spent two hours with us.  At the end, Luke qualified for 60 minutes each of physical therapy, occupational therapy and language therapy weekly.  We also decided to go with a special education classroom where there will be approximately 6 typically developing children and approximately 6 children with IEP's.  There will be a lot of support in his classroom to support his needs. 

We are really excited about this although we are, of course, beginning to mourn for our current service providers.  Next week will be our last official week with them unless we can figure out time in our schedules to continue services with them.  We're hoping to maintain services with them until at least August.  The problem will be that since they won't be coming to our house anymore it will make things a bit trickier.  But we'll figure all of that out. 

Luke will start in his new classroom after spring break on March 25.  The only part  still to figure out is where he is going to be.  We will hopefully find out early next week.  The Early Childhood Center is our first choice.  Dan's parents, who live in our district, have generously offered to let us use their house as drop off and pick up.  After he is dropped off from school, they can take him to daycare.  Our daycare is out of district so Parkway won't come to pick him up there.  In August, we'll switch both boys to an in-district daycare.  We don't want to pull Ben from his current setting right now.  Our home school also has this classroom setting and if he is placed there our daycare can transport him and not much will change.  We'll see....

Luke's really been talking a lot lately!  I wanted to share a couple of videos.  Luke has a new song that they do in his classroom at school called the Copy Cat Rap.  It's really cute.  When he does it with the other kids, he does more of it.  The second video is a video of him saying his prayers.  Amen!


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